The Widespread Problem of Doctor Burnout
By Pauline W. Chen, M.D. August 23, 2012 3:50 pm
The Widespread Problem of Doctor Burnout
By Pauline W. Chen, M.D. August 23, 2012 3:50 pm
Why ‘Happy’ Doctors Die by Suicide
Pamela L. Wible, MD
Perspective > Medscape Family Medicine
Learn from me: speak out, seek help, get treatment
MJA Insight - authored by Steve Robson
I DISCOVERED CrazySocks4Docs Day – held annually on 1 June – only this year. The day aims to “encourage conversations about mental health and help reduce the stigma for doctors experiencing mental illness”. When I discovered the day thanks to my burgeoning Twitter obsession, I experienced an incredible and overwhelming reaction.
Almost exactly 30 years before, as an intern in the central Queensland city of Rockhampton, I had tried to kill myself. Three decades later, I am now President of a specialist college, but I had kept the entire episode to myself and tried to forget it. I am deeply ashamed of not learning from my own experience and using it to help others.
I hope it isn’t too late.
Perhaps by fate I was introduced to cardiologist Dr Geoff Toogood, the incredible and inspiring founder of CrazySocks4Docs, at a College meeting a couple of weeks ago. The meeting was so unexpected and so overwhelming I choked and could barely speak, but it made me determined to take something positive from my own experience all those years ago. Hence this article.
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Düsseldorf – Für eine bessere Personalausstattung mit Krankenhausärzten hat sich der Präsident der Bundesärztekammer (BÄK), Frank Ulrich Montgomery, ausgesprochen. Ähnlich wie für Pflegekräfte soll es in Kliniken nach Ansicht Montgomerys auch eine Personaluntergrenze für Ärzte geben. „Ich verstehe nicht, warum in der Frage der Personaluntergrenze Pflegepersonal und Ärzte unterschiedlich behandelt werden“, sagte Montgomery kürzlich der Rheinischen Post .
Klinik: Ein Klub der alten Herren
unfallchirurginundmutter - auf DocCheck
Ist es die Elternzeit? Oder die Teilzeit? Eine oder beide sind die Schuldigen für den beruflichen Absturz. Die familienfeindlichen Strukturen in der Medizin müssen sich ändern. Kritiker mögen sagen: Ach ja, Eltern von heute, reißt euch mal zusammen. Aber eine aktuelle Studie bestätigt meine gefühlte Wahrheit.
Die Studie, auf die sich der Artikel bezieht (ich weiß nicht, ob man ohne Anmeldung Zugriff auf den Artikel bei
Doccheck bekommt).
Objectives To report woman physicians’ experiences, in their own words, of discrimination based on their role as a mother.
Design Qualitative analysis of physician mothers’ free-text responses to the open question: “We want to hear your story and experience. Please share” included in questions about workplace discrimination. Three analysts iteratively formulated a structured codebook, then applied codes after inter-coder reliability scores indicated high concordance. The relationships among themes and sub-themes were organized into a conceptual model illustrated by exemplary quotes.
Participants Respondents to an anonymous, voluntary online survey about the health and wellbeing of physician mothers posted on a Facebook group, the Physician Moms Group, an online community of US physicians who identify as mothers.
Results We analyzed 947 free-text responses. Participants provide diverse and vivid descriptions of experiences of maternal discrimination. Gendered job expectations, financial inequalities (including lower pay than equally qualified colleagues and more unpaid work), limited opportunities for advancement, lack of support during the pregnancy and postpartum period, and challenging work-life balance are some of the key themes identified. In addition, participants’ quotes show several potential structural drivers of maternal discrimination and describe the downstream consequences of maternal discrimination on the physician herself, her career, family, and the healthcare system.
Conclusions These findings provide a view of maternal discrimination directly from the perspective of those who experience it. Women physicians report a range of previously uncharacterized ways in which they experience maternal discrimination. While certain aspects of these experiences are consistent with those reported by women across other professions, there are unique aspects of medical training and the medical profession that perpetuate maternal discrimination.
Jung und ausgebrannt
Burn-out ist längst keine reine Managerkrankheit mehr, auch Berufseinsteiger leiden unter Überforderung und Stress. Sind Millennials wirklich erschöpfter als andere?
"Überlastung der Ärzte bis zum Burnout“
In Mecklenburg-Vorpommern ist der Anteil der angestellten Ärzte an der vertragsärztlichen Versorgung nach Angaben der KV inzwischen schon auf 20 Prozent angewachsen. „Allein im Zeitraum 2012 bis 2016 wurden zirka 180 Arztsitze von niedergelassenen Ärzten in Anstellungen überwiegend in Medizinische Versorgungszentren (MVZ) umgewandelt. Hier wurden im Vergleich zu den übernommenen Arztsitzen signifikant weniger Patienten versorgt“, warnt die Körperschaft in einer Mitteilung.