Jungmedizinerforum: International collaboration in light of Integrative Medicine - Working group

This group will examine international and integrative medical collaboration and light. What perspectives exist in different medical systems? How can international networks develop and flourish? The group will evolve through the collaboration of YPIH – Young People in Integrative Healthcare and the International Young Medics Forum for Anthroposophic Medicine. Christoph Holtermann, Arzt, Filderstadt (DE), Maya Cosentino, Ärztin, Dornach (CH).

Dies ist ein Begleitthema zum ursprünglichen Beitrag unter http://www.jungmedizinerforum.org/event/2018-09-13-international-collaboration-in-light-of-integrative-medicine-working-group-3088/

Dieser Beitrag bezieht sich auf die Jahrestagung der medizinischen Sektion in Dornach, Schweiz.

Das Jungmedizinerforum


Date: 13.–16. September 2018
Place: International “Living Light” conference in Dornach, Switzerland
Link: https://www.goetheanum.org/index.php?id=8864&L=1

The workshop will examine integrative medicine:

  • in different medical systems
  • international collaboration
  • the development of international networks

Christoph Holtermann (resident physician in Germany)
Maya Cosentino (resident physician in Switzerland)

From Complementary to Integrative Medicine and Health: Do We Need a Change in Nomenclature?


Melchart D.


Link to the wiki page of this group:

What is integrative medicine ? Definitions:

NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms: A type of medical care that combines conventional (standard) medical treatment with complementary and alternative (CAM) therapies that have been shown to be safe and to work. CAM therapies treat the mind, body, and spirit.[1]

Mayo Clinic: Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is the popular name for health care practices that traditionally have not been part of conventional medicine. In many cases, as evidence of efficacy and safety grows, these therapies are being combined with conventional medicine.

Thus, the term alternative has been dropped and replaced with newer terms, such as complementary and integrative medicine, integrative medicine and health, or just integrative medicine.[2]

BMJ Editorial 2001: Integrated medicine (or integrative medicine as it is referred to in the United States) is practising medicine in a way that selectively incorporates elements of complementary and alternative medicine into comprehensive treatment plans alongside solidly orthodox methods of diagnosis and treatment.[3]

Academic Consortium for Integrative Medicine & Health: The practice of medicine that reaffirms the importance of the practitioner-patient relationship. It focuses on the whole person, is informed by evidence, and makes use of all appropriate therapeutic approaches, health care professionals, and disciplines to achieve optimal health and healing.[1][4]

National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH): There are many definitions of “integrative” health care, but all involve bringing conventional and complementary approaches together in a coordinated way. … NCCIH generally uses the term “complementary health approaches” when we discuss practices and products of non-mainstream origin. We use “integrative health” when we talk about incorporating complementary approaches into mainstream health care.[5]

World health organization (WHO): Traditional, complementary and integrative medicine - Definitions

Traditional medicine - Traditional medicine has a long history. It is the sum total of the knowledge, skill, and practices based on the theories, beliefs, and experiences indigenous to different cultures, whether explicable or not, used in the maintenance of health as well as in the prevention, diagnosis, improvement or treatment of physical and mental illness.

Complementary medicine - The terms “complementary medicine” or “alternative medicine” refer to a broad set of health care practices that are not part of that country’s own tradition or conventional medicine and are not fully integrated into the dominant health-care system. They are used interchangeably with traditional medicine in some countries.

Herbal medicines - Herbal medicines include herbs, herbal materials, herbal preparations and finished herbal products, that contain as active ingredients parts of plants, or other plant materials, or combinations.[6]


IM Online platforms


IM Universities/Education


IM Initiatives


IM Universities/Education


IM Financial aid


IM Inpatient care settings

Anthroposophic Medicine
        Gemeinschaftskrankenhaus Herdecke
        Gemeinschaftskrankenhaus Havelhoehe, Berlin
        Friedrich Husemann Klinik
        Paracelsus-Krankenhaus Unterlengenhardt
        Klinik Öschelbronn
        Krankenhaus Lahnhoehe
        Psychosomatische Fachklinik Sonneneck
        Klinikum Niederlausitz
        Begleitklinik fuer Homoeopathie im Klinikum Heidenheim
        Siebenzwerge - Fachklinik für Drogenkrankheiten
        Mutter und Kind Kurheim Alpenhof
        Reha-Klinik Schloß Hamborn
        Alexander von Humboldt Klinik - Klinik für geriatrische Rehabilitation
        Haus am Stalten - Rehaklinik für anthroposophische und psychosomatische Medizin
        Mäander Jugendhilfe gGmbH
        Paracelsus-Spital Richterswil
        Klinik Arlesheim
        Kantonsspital St Gallen, St Gallen
        Hôpital cantonal HFR, Fribourg
        Gesundheitszentrums Unterengadin, Scuol
        Casa Andrea Cristoforo, Ascona
        Luciaklinikken, Søndersø
        Casa Raphael, Roncegno Terme, Trentino
        Vidar Rehab, Stockholm Järna
    United Kingdom
        Raphael Hospital, Hildenborough, Kent
        Steiner Health, Ann Arbor