In english, I'm so sorry!

Hi, I’ve just joined the forum and I am english speaking only. Would it be possible to translate on the webpage? Or a section for English only posts? Sorry! Yosefine.

Hello @yosefine

welcome and thank you for your request. We started german but some months ago because of a private group of english speaking people I started trying to go bilingual. A lot of the studies that I’m posting are english anyway but there are some things that are not quite as easy. The tag names or the categories. I’ll have to think about a way for that. For the contents I am thinking about introducing a tag “EN” for english contents. I can also do a category with english content.

The idea is mainly that english speaking people will be annyoed when they are getting the email summaries with a lot of german posts that they don’t understand. With a tag “EN” I could tell the software to only send thus tagged contents as summary.

I’m very interested in trying to go that way. Feedback welcome.

Christoph Holtermann
for the young medics forum

I have created a category for english content:

And a tag for english topics in different categories:

Dear Christoph,

I can’t really suggest a way. Some websites are able to the translated on offer from the computer or somewhere! It could be good to have that option. I imagine it would require a complete change and maybe just a file with english would be handy. It’s not too bad as it is, but would be better for us dysfunctional with language! Thank you for your efforts.
