Jungmedizinerforum: 2nd International DEB Symposium of the German Drug Eluting Balloon Consensus Group (DEB) 2012

Fachgebiet: interdisziplinär Datum: 16.11.-17.11.12 Ort: Berlin Veranstaltung: 2nd International DEB Symposium of the German Drug Eluting Balloon Consensus Group (DEB) 2012 Thema: Ballondilatation, Drug Eluting Ballons, Atherosklerose Leitung/Auskunft: Project Oliver Ong Internet: Mehr... Email: deb2012@conventus.de

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at http://www.jungmedizinerforum.org/nc/kalender/event/?tx_cal_controller[uid]=157&tx_cal_controller[view]=event