Jungmedizinerforum: Biographical Counselling Skills for Professionals (5 of 10)

This one-year, interactive course offers an in-depth experience of working with biography, life experiences and archetypal life phases. It is designed to deepen understanding for each person’s unique place and individual sense of purpose in the world. It is intended to enrich the individual and to enhance their professional practice. Participants are invited to explore meaning, and develop a sense of reverence for the mystery and complexity of their own and others’ biographies.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at http://www.jungmedizinerforum.org/index.php?id=1140&L=2%27&tx_cal_controller%5Buid%5D=4136&tx_cal_controller%5Bview%5D=event&tx_cal_controller%5Btype%5D=tx_cal_phpicalendar