Jungmedizinerforum: Module 3 of the Applied AnthroMedicine Training, with a focus on the metabolic limb system

Module 3 of the Applied AnthroMedicine Training, with a focus on the metabolic limb system

Beginn: Saturday, 01. July 2017 Ende: Sunday, 02. July 2017 Ort: Camphill Wellbeing Trust
  • AAMT Training Course Outline - website.pdf*
  • Registration form open module.pdf*

  • Dies ist ein Begleitthema zum ursprünglichen Beitrag unter http://www.jungmedizinerforum.org/index.php?id=1140&L=2Johannes&tx_cal_controller%5Buid%5D=2437&tx_cal_controller%5Bview%5D=event&tx_cal_controller%5Btype%5D=tx_cal_phpicalendar