Jungmedizinerforum: Weleda Garden Tour & Gardening for Wildlife

Join Weleda's head gardener Stuart Greenaway, for a guided walk around our beautiful 13 acre Demeter certified garden, where you’ll see our crop fields, physic garden, wildflower meadows and wild bee hives. After the tour there will be a mini workshop, where you’ll be shown lots of ways you can encourage more wildlife into your garden.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.jungmedizinerforum.org/index.php?id=1140&L=xamptaujwawok&tx_cal_controller%5Buid%5D=4283&tx_cal_controller%5Bview%5D=event&tx_cal_controller%5Btype%5D=tx_cal_phpicalendar